IDL routines

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IDL routines provided with krc:

 Write/Read numeric binary files with 'standard' header. Calls 0.  
 Create a Byte version of a string, padded with trailing blanks. Calls 0.
 Generate 256 longwords to emulate nice 8-bit color table. Calls 0.
 Define structures in IDL that correspond for Fortran commons. Calls BYTEPAD.
 Delete trailing 0's past the decimal point. Calls 0.
 Show delta between arrays changing only last index. Calls HISTFAST.
 Modify single numeric value; with prompt and limit tests. Calls 0.
 Modify any elements of numeric array, with prompt and limit tests. Calls 0.
 Interactive input any elements of a string array, with prompt. Calls 0.
 Interface to graphics devices. Calls SETCOLOR.
 Robust, easy histogram plot, with statistics, opt row weights. Calls  MEAN_STD SUBTITLE.
 Common minimal functionality in the kon case statement. Calls GETPINTS GRAPH  MAKE99 SETCOLOR TV2JPG TV2LP.
 Print KRC common input items. Calls 0.
 Find changes in KRC input values in common KRCCOM. Calls READKRCCOM MAKEKRCVAL.
 Compute center depth of KRC layers. Calls 0.
 Place an oriented label on a curve . Calls RNDEX RTERP1.
 Find lower index of interval in ordered vector containing x. Calls 0.
 Read any type 5x KRC bin5 models; look at change between cases. Calls READKRC5*
 Make/print list of user options for a program. Calls 0.
 Make string of selected KRC inputs: Key=val. Calls DELAST0
 Read RKC type 52 or 51 bin5 file; post 2004jul21. Calls BIN5.
 Read KRC type 54 or 55 bin5 file. Calls BIN5.
 Read KRC type 56 bin5 file. Calls BIN5.
 Read a KRCCOM structure from a bin5 file. Calls DEFINEKRC.
 Mean and standard deviation of a vector. Calls 0.
 Finds floating-point index of within a monotonic array. Calls LOCATE.
 real interpolation in a vector. Calls 0.
 Set or modify colors, lines, plot-symbols, #plots/page. Calls COLOR24BIT  GETP  GETPAN  TOOTHB  ST0. 
 Make minimal string for numbers, or string arrays. Calls DELAST0.
 Extract first word from a string or strarr. Calls 0.
 Add a toothed color scale-bar to a window or TVPLEX panel. Calls GETPAN.
 Convert T_surf and T_plan to T_atm. Calls 0.
 Calc starting date for KRC to reach Ls on specific season step. Calls 0.

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