Davinci Interface

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Download the Interface

The Davinci KRC interface is currently in beta testing. The most recent krc.dvrc is available for download via the Davinci subversion repository.

Checkout, edit and upload a working Copy from SVN After the subversion package is installed on your computer follow these instructions to check out a copy

If you have not already done so, make a clean working directory Change to a working directory and make a new folder called "dv_interface"

mkdir dv_interface

Checkout a copy of the interface from subversion

svn checkout http://oss.mars.asu.edu/svn/davinci/davinci_library/branches/krc_interface dv_interface

Note: you will edit the file "dv_interface/krc.dvrc". Make sure to change the path at the top of krc.dvrc to the top level directory of the current compiled version of krc 3.2.1

Update a local copy of the interface (check for changes on the server)

cd dv_interface
svn update

To commit a change (must have privileges to the repository

cd dv_interface
svn commit -m"Type your change message here, be detailed!" krc.dvrc
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