Airless Bodies
Running KRC for Non-Tidally Locked Airless Bodies
KRC can predict surface and subsurface temperatures for asteroids, comets, or any non-tidally locked body.
The ability to work with tidally locked body will be developed in the future, but is not yet available.
- Define the body type
Planets and Pluto : No need to define bodytype
Mercury(!!!), Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter(!!!), Saturn(!!!), Uranus(!!!), Neptune(!!!), and Pluto can be modeled. (!!!): tidally locked or no rocky surface
Make sure to adjust the atmospheric parameters !
dv>krc(lat=12.,body="Pluto") dv>
Comets : bodytype="comet"
dv>krc(lat=12.,bodytype="comet",body="1P-Halley",PTOTAL=0.) dv>
A list of comets currently supported is provided here
Over 3,200 comets are supported
Make sure to turn off the atmosphere by setting PTOTAL=0.
Asteroids : bodytype="minor"
dv> out=krc(lat=0.,body="Bennu",bodytype="minor",PTOTAL=0.) dv>
A list of asteroids currently supported is provided here
Over 390,000 asteroids are supported
Make sure to turn off the atmosphere by setting PTOTAL=0.
- Define subsurface density/conductivity/specific heat profiles