KRC for The Moon

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Set body = "Moon" to calculate temperatures on the Moon:

out = krc(lat=0,INERTIA=45.,body="Moon",ALBEDO=.12,LKofT="F",ls=0.)

Moon 1.png

Note: KRC for the Moon has not been formally validated.

By default, the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity uses a Moon-like trend (k_style = "Moon").

For bodies where the duration of a day is significantly longer than the duration of an Earth day like the Moon, the local true solar time can be displayed both as a fraction of 24 (out.time):

 out = krc(lat=0,INERTIA=45.,body="Moon",ALBEDO=.12,LKofT="F")


...or as a delta Julian Date since the local midnight (out.deltaJD):


Moon 3.png

Seasons can be defined as Ls (ls), Julian Date (JD), and Gregorian Date (GD):

 OUT = krc(body="Moon",lat=25.,ls=90.)

For a specific Gregorian Date, GD (currently ranging from 1990-Jan-01 to 2040-Jan-01), the format is ????-Mmm-DD, with Mmm:Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec;

 OUT = krc(body="Moon",lat=12.,GD="2010-Jan-05")

or a specific Julian Date JD:

 OUT = krc(body="Moon",lat=12.,JD=2455201)

Note: the possibility to specify the date with GD is only currently available for Mars, the Moon, Bennu, and Europa.

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