Beginner Tutorial

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Download KRC or check which version you have

Download KRC or check which Version you have

Download KRC or check which version you have

To start using KRC, be sure you have already downloaded the latest version (Download latest version here). If you already have KRC, but do not know if you have the latest version, you can check which version you have here.

Once you have the latest version, it is time to start using KRC.

Getting Started

To start using KRC, you must first start the Davinci Interface. To learn more about Davinci visit the DavinciWiki

Type the following

> davinci

Now, you can start KRC.

Type the following:

dv> krc()

This command will bring up a useful help menu.

 This runs the full krc binary mode with the following inputs

IMPORTANT: This interface supports only KRC > v2.3.2

lat       = latitude **Required**
lon       = east longitude (default = 0)
body      = name of the body (Default = "Mars")
bodytype  = kind of body - "planet", "minor", "comet" (Default = "planet")
hour      = hour of day for data to return (default=-32768, all hours)
ls        = ls for data to return (default=-32768, all seasons)
INERTIA   = thermal inertia of upper layers (default from 2ppd TES)
Mat1      = material of upper layers, sets COND, DENSITY, SPEC_HEAT (Default="basalt")
Por1      = porosity of upper layers, affects DENSITY (Default=0.4)
INERTIA2  = thermal inertia of lower layers (Default from 2ppd TES)
Mat2      = material of lower layers, sets COND2, DENS2, SpHeat2 (Default="Mat1")
Por2      = porosity of lower layers, affects DENS2 (Default=Por1)
thick     = top layer thickness (default=0, no layering)
TDEEP     = set bottom layer temperature (default TDEEP=0, IB=0, insulating)
JBARE     = force frost free at specified season (default JBARE=0, no forcing)
SLOPE     = surface slope in degrees (default = 0)
ALBEDO    = albedo (default from lat,lon 2ppd TES)
TAUD      = dust visible opacity (default TAUD= 0.30)
ELEV      = elevation km (default from lat,lon 2ppd MOLA)
SLOAZI    = slope azimuth in degrees east from north (default = 0)
DELLS     = ~delta Ls desired (sets DELJUL automatically, Default = 1)
DELJUL    = delta julian date to increment by (Default = 1.9083)
DJUL      = if LKEY="T", starting Ls (Default = 0.1)
           or start julian date offset from J2000
LKEY      = use Ls DJUL input rather than jullian date (Default ="T")
JDISK     = start "season" to output (Default = 721)
N5        = number of "seasons" to run (Default = 1080)
N24       = number of outputs per day (Default = 96)
LkofT     = use temperature dependant properties (Default = "T")
TPREDICT  = use forward prediction of temperatures for speed (Default ="T")
stability = check for model stability (Default = 0)
outusage  = displays the bin52 file type usage

KRC-ONE like option:
T         = sets a one-point like mode where a TI is returned
           for the specified conditions. This can be an array.

These values are from the standard KRC input file. Defaults from above are
used in place of the master.inp file values.
Enter for more usage
Read TEXT file: 61 lines

Real Value Parameters (Values from default input file)
ALBEDO  = .25       EMISS   = 1.00      INERTIA = 200.0     COND2   = 2.77     
DENS2   = 928.0     PERIOD  = 1.0275    SPEC_HEAT= 647.      DENSITY = 1600.    
CABR    = 0.11      AMW     = 43.5      ABRPHA  = -0.00     PTOTAL  = 546.0    
FANON   = .055      TATM    = 200.      TDEEP   = 180.0     SpHeat2 = 1711.    
TAUD    = 0.3       DUSTA   = .90       TAURAT  = 0.5       TWILI   = 0.0      
ARC2    = 0.5       ARC3    = -0.00     SLOPE   = 0.0       SLOAZI  = 90.      
TFROST  = 146.0     CFROST  = 589944.   AFROST  = .65       FEMIS   = 0.95     
AF1     = 0.54      AF2     = 0.0009    FROEXT  = 50.       FD32    = 0.0      
RLAY    = 1.2000    FLAY    = .1800     CONVF   = 2.0000    DEPTH   = 0.0      
DRSET   = 0.0       DDT     = .0020     GGT     = 0.1       DTMAX   = 0.1      
DJUL    = -1222.69  DELJUL  = 17.174822 SOLARDEC= 00.0      DAU     = 1.465    
LsubS   = .0        SOLCON  = 1368.     GRAV    = 3.727     AtmCp   = 735.9    
ConUp0  = 0.038640  ConUp1  = -0.002145 ConUp2  = 0.002347  ConUp3  = -0.000750
ConLo0  = 2.766722  ConLo1  = -1.298966 ConLo2  = 0.629224  ConLo3  = -0.527291
SphUp0  = 646.6275  SphUp1  = 246.6678  SphUp2  = -49.8216  SphUp3  = 7.9520   
SphLo0  = 1710.648  SphLo1  = 721.8740  SphLo2  = 57.44873  SphLo3  = 24.37532

Enter for more
Integer Value Parameters (Values from default input file)
N1      = 20        N2      = 384       N3      = 15        N4      = 19       
N5      = 120       N24     = 24        IB      = 0         IC      = 7        
NRSET   = 3         NMHA    = 24        NRUN    = 0         JDISK   = 81       
IDOWN   = 0         FlxP14  = 45        FlxP15  = 65        KPREF   = 1        
K4OUT   = 52        JBARE   = 0         Notif   = 20        IDISK2  = 0        
end     = 0        

Boolean Parameters (Values from default input file)
LP1     = F         LP2     = T         LP3     = F         LP4     = F        
LP5     = F         LP6     = F         LPGLOB  = F         LVFA    = F        
LVFT    = F         LkofT   = F         LPORB   = T         LKEY    = F        
LSC     = F         spare   = F         LOCAL   = T         Prt76   = F        
LPTAVE  = F         Prt78   = F         Prt79   = F         L_ONE   = F        

Found Default File: $DV_SCRIPT_FILES/krc_support/porb_defaults/Mars_Mars.porb.hdf
Enter for more
K4OUT = 52.  This interface only supports bin52 output which encapsulates most of the other file formats
NOTE: Recommended parameter changes are listed in the first section.
Please use these paramters with caution. They are meant for advanced users.

N1 (the number of layers, Default=29) is calculated in the function evalN1_krc()
    This function relies on various parameters including FLAY, RLAY, length of the year
    to calculate the minimum number of layers required to reach seasonal skindepth stability
N2 (the number of calculations per day, Default=288) is calculated in the functin evalN2_krc()
    This function relies varous parameters including FLAY, N24, PERIOD

The default model iterates for 2 years before
outputing a full year (N5-JDISK) of data at 1/360th year intervals (DELJUL),
starting at DJUL=0 (in Ls), JDISK=721, DELJUL=1.9083
from 24.0/N24 to 24 by 24.0/N24 (15 minutes with N24=96).

First layer is set at FLAY=0.18 skin depths.
Each successive layer is increased by a factor of RLAY=1.2.

ALBEDO and TAUD can be dynamic if input as
2 x n x 1 arrays. Ls = column 1 and ALBEDO/TAUD = column 2

See the helplist distributed with KRC for variable meanings and default values.

C.Edwards + S.Piqueux 2/13

This menu offers quick guides to the basic input parameters

Enter for more usage Read TEXT file: 61 lines

Real Value Parameters (Values from default input file)

ALBEDO = .25 EMISS = 1.00 INERTIA = 200.0 COND2 = 2.77 DENS2 = 928.0 PERIOD = 1.0275 SPEC_HEAT= 647. DENSITY = 1600. CABR = 0.11 AMW = 43.5 ABRPHA = -0.00 PTOTAL = 546.0 FANON = .055 TATM = 200. TDEEP = 180.0 SpHeat2 = 1711. TAUD = 0.3 DUSTA = .90 TAURAT = 0.5 TWILI = 0.0 ARC2 = 0.5 ARC3 = -0.00 SLOPE = 0.0 SLOAZI = 90. TFROST = 146.0 CFROST = 589944. AFROST = .65 FEMIS = 0.95 AF1 = 0.54 AF2 = 0.0009 FROEXT = 50. FD32 = 0.0 RLAY = 1.2000 FLAY = .1800 CONVF = 2.0000 DEPTH = 0.0 DRSET = 0.0 DDT = .0020 GGT = 0.1 DTMAX = 0.1 DJUL = -1222.69 DELJUL = 17.174822 SOLARDEC= 00.0 DAU = 1.465 LsubS = .0 SOLCON = 1368. GRAV = 3.727 AtmCp = 735.9 ConUp0 = 0.038640 ConUp1 = -0.002145 ConUp2 = 0.002347 ConUp3 = -0.000750 ConLo0 = 2.766722 ConLo1 = -1.298966 ConLo2 = 0.629224 ConLo3 = -0.527291 SphUp0 = 646.6275 SphUp1 = 246.6678 SphUp2 = -49.8216 SphUp3 = 7.9520 SphLo0 = 1710.648 SphLo1 = 721.8740 SphLo2 = 57.44873 SphLo3 = 24.37532

Enter for more Integer Value Parameters (Values from default input file)

N1 = 20 N2 = 384 N3 = 15 N4 = 19 N5 = 120 N24 = 24 IB = 0 IC = 7 NRSET = 3 NMHA = 24 NRUN = 0 JDISK = 81 IDOWN = 0 FlxP14 = 45 FlxP15 = 65 KPREF = 1 K4OUT = 52 JBARE = 0 Notif = 20 IDISK2 = 0 end = 0

Boolean Parameters (Values from default input file)

LP1 = F LP2 = T LP3 = F LP4 = F LP5 = F LP6 = F LPGLOB = F LVFA = F LVFT = F LkofT = F LPORB = T LKEY = F LSC = F spare = F LOCAL = T Prt76 = F LPTAVE = F Prt78 = F Prt79 = F L_ONE = F

Found Default File: $DV_SCRIPT_FILES/krc_support/porb_defaults/Mars_Mars.porb.hdf Enter for more K4OUT = 52. This interface only supports bin52 output which encapsulates most of the other file formats NOTE: Recommended parameter changes are listed in the first section. Please use these paramters with caution. They are meant for advanced users.

N1 (the number of layers, Default=29) is calculated in the function evalN1_krc()

   This function relies on various parameters including FLAY, RLAY, length of the year
   to calculate the minimum number of layers required to reach seasonal skindepth stability

N2 (the number of calculations per day, Default=288) is calculated in the functin evalN2_krc()

   This function relies varous parameters including FLAY, N24, PERIOD

The default model iterates for 2 years before outputing a full year (N5-JDISK) of data at 1/360th year intervals (DELJUL), starting at DJUL=0 (in Ls), JDISK=721, DELJUL=1.9083 from 24.0/N24 to 24 by 24.0/N24 (15 minutes with N24=96).

First layer is set at FLAY=0.18 skin depths. Each successive layer is increased by a factor of RLAY=1.2.

ALBEDO and TAUD can be dynamic if input as 2 x n x 1 arrays. Ls = column 1 and ALBEDO/TAUD = column 2

See the helplist distributed with KRC for variable meanings and default values.

C.Edwards + S.Piqueux 2/13

The Input Variables

Now its time to learn the basic input variables used in KRC.

lat: latitude

lon: longitude

ALBEDO: Albedo

TAUD: Dust opacity

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