C_Titl DAYCOM.INC common for layer and time items in KRC INTEGER NWDAY PARAMETER (NWDAY = 5*MAXN1 + MAXN1P + (5+MAXN1)*MAXN3 & + 3*MAXN2 + 2*MAXNH + MAXBOT) ! size of this common in 4-byte words C_Desc C ASOL & ADGR are set in TLATS, the rest are set in TDAY REAL XCEN(MAXN1) ! Depth at layer centers [m] &, SCONVG(MAXN1) ! Classical convergence factor for each layer &, BLAY(MAXN1) ! Layer thicknesses [m] &, TMIN(MAXN1) ! Minimum layer temperatures of day on the hour &, TMAX(MAXN1) ! Maximum layer temperatures of day on the hour &, TTJ(MAXN1P) ! Layer temperatures (TTJ(1) is surface temperature) &, TT1(MAXN1,MAXN3)! Temperatures at start of day for each layer and day &, TTS(MAXN3) ! Mean daily surface temperatures &, TTB(MAXN3) ! Mean daily bottom temperatures &, TTA(MAXN3) ! End-of-Day Atmospheric temperatures &, DTMJ(MAXN3) ! RMS daily temperature change &, FRO(MAXN3) ! Daily frost amounts. [kg/m^2] &, ASOL(MAXN2) ! Insolation at each time of day, direct + diffuse &, ADGR(MAXN2) ! Atm. solar heating at each time of day &, TOUT(MAXN2) ! Surface temperatures of solution at each time of day &, TSFH(MAXNH) ! Hourly surface temperatures at solution &, TPFH(MAXNH) ! Hourly planetary temperatures at solution INTEGER N1K(MAXBOT) ! Binary time division layers COMMON /DAYCOM/ XCEN, SCONVG, BLAY, TMIN, TMAX, TTJ, TT1 &, TTS, TTB, TTA,DTMJ, FRO, ASOL, ADGR, TOUT, TSFH, TPFH, N1K C_Hist 84jun15 Hugh_H_Kieffer 97feb11 HHK add ADGR C 97mar03 HK correct NWDAY 97sep08 HHK add TPFH C 2002jul12 HK Add TTA, ADGR was down-going atmospheric IR radiance C 2002aug15 HK NWDAY is computed, =1951 c 2002oct30 HK set N2 to 8*384 as trial NWday=10015 C 2004jul07 HK Move dimension-defining parameters from other commons into KRCCOM C 2008oct02 HK Move MAXBOT and MAXN1P from here to KRCCOM C 2008nov13 HK Change names: X->XCEN T->TTJ TT->TT1 TLAY->BLAY C 2010jan12 HK Change to IMPLICIT NONE assumed in krccom C_End __________________________________________________________________________